
Renovation API


Creating renovations

New renovations can be created using this endpoint.

POST /renovations

Request body

  "estate_id": "string"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "estate_id": "string"

Response code

201 Created

Fetching renovations

This endpoint can be used to fetch a list of all renovations that are visible to you.

GET /renovations

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "estate_id": "string",
    "estimated_cost": "number",
    "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "subsidy_amount": "number",
    "energy_efficiency_indication": "string",
    "energy_efficiency_type": "string"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching single renovation

This endpoint returns more information about a specific renovation.

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "estate_id": "string",
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "energy_efficiency_indication": "string",
  "energy_efficiency_type": "string",
  "files": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "url": "string",
      "mimetype": "string"

Response code

200 OK

Deleting renovations

This endpoint can be used to delete renovations.

DELETE /renovations/{renovation_id}

Response code

200 OK

Renovation overview

Fetching renovation overview

This endpoint returns a detailed overview of all items that were added to the renovation.

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/overview

Response body

  "summary": {
    "estate_id": "string",
    "total_subsidy_amount": "number",
    "total_estimated_cost": "number",
    "total_estimated_vat_cost": "number"
  "general": [{}],
  "rooms": [{}],
  "roofs": [{}],
  "staircases": [{}],
  "derived": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Government grants

Fetching government grants information

This endpoint returns information about the government grants that are applicable to the renovation based on the added renovation items.

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/government-grants

Response body

    "total_subsidy_amount": "number",
    "total_estimated_cost": "number",
    "total_estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "eligible_renovation_items": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Renovation items - General

Adding general renovation items to renovations

General renovation items are items that are not linked to certain estate objects like rooms, staircases or roofs. They can be added using this endpoint.

POST /renovations/{renovation_id}/items

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

201 Created

Fetching available general renovation items

This endpoint can be used to get a list of renovation items that can be added to the renovation. This list is dependent on multiple parameters, such as the estate type the renovation was created for, the quality of the data of the estate and others. The properties root_renovation_component_type and selection_tree are the main properties used to indicate and alter the type of the renovation item. root_renovation_component_type always indicate the less specific type of the renovation item. Property selection_tree complements this with information about choices in material, quality, finishing etc. Moreover, this property also illustrates the hierarchy between the different choices that can be made. For example, when choosing for a metal hanging gutter to be added to a roof, the root_renovation_component_type would be ROOF_DRAINAGE while selection_tree would indicate the specific selected item is of the variant HANGING_GUTTER_METAL. More precisely, selection_tree would have the following form:

    "is_selected": true,
    "enum_selection_tree": {
      "BOX_GUTTER": {
        "is_selected": false,
        "enum_selection_tree": {}
        "is_selected": true,
        "enum_selection_tree": {
            "is_selected": false,
            "enum_selection_tree": {}
            "is_selected": true,
            "enum_selection_tree": {}
GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/available-items

Response body

    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Editing general renovation items

This endpoint can be used to edit the specific renovation item.

PATCH /renovations/{renovation_id}/items/{item_id}

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching general renovation items

This endpoint returns a list of all general renovation items that are attached to the renovation.

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/items

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}],
    "estimated_cost": "number",
    "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "subsidy_amount": "number",
    "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching single general renovation item

This endpoint returns more detailed information about a single general renovation item.

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/items/{item_id}

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Deleting general renovation items

This endpoint can be used to delete a specific general renovation item.

DELETE /renovations/{renovation_id}/items/{item_id}

Response code

200 OK

Renovation items - Rooms

For further context about the following endpoints to add and manage room renovation items within the renovation, consult the descriptions added to the reference for general renovation items above.

Adding room renovation items to renovations

POST /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/items

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

201 Created

Fetching available room renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/available-items

Response body

    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Editing room renovation items

PATCH /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/items/{item_id}

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching room renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/items

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}],
    "estimated_cost": "number",
    "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "subsidy_amount": "number",
    "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching single room renovation item

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/items/{item_id}

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Deleting room renovation items

DELETE /renovations/{renovation_id}/rooms/{room_id}/items/{item_id}

Response code

200 OK

Renovation items - Roofs

For further context about the following endpoints to add and manage roof renovation items within the renovation, consult the descriptions added to the reference for general renovation items above.

Adding roof renovation items to renovations

POST /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/items

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

201 Created

Fetching available roof renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/available-items

Response body

    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Editing roof renovation items

PATCH /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/items/{item_id}

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching roof renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/items

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}],
    "estimated_cost": "number",
    "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "subsidy_amount": "number",
    "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching single roof renovation item

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/items/{item_id}

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Deleting roof renovation items

DELETE /renovations/{renovation_id}/roofs/{roof_id}/items/{item_id}

Response code

200 OK

Renovation items - Staircases

For further context about the following endpoints to add and manage staircase renovation items within the renovation, consult the descriptions added to the reference for general renovation items above.

Adding staircase renovation items to renovations

POST /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/items

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

201 Created

Fetching available staircase renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/available-items

Response body

    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}]

Response code

200 OK

Editing staircase renovation items

PATCH /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/items/{item_id}

Request body

  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "count": "number"

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching staircase renovation items

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/items

Response body

    "id": "string",
    "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
    "renovation_component_type": "string",
    "selection_tree": [{}],
    "estimated_cost": "number",
    "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
    "subsidy_amount": "number",
    "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Fetching single staircase renovation item

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/items/{item_id}

Response body

  "id": "string",
  "root_renovation_component_type": "string",
  "renovation_component_type": "string",
  "selection_tree": [{}],
  "estimated_cost": "number",
  "estimated_vat_cost": "number",
  "subsidy_amount": "number",
  "count": "number"

Response code

200 OK

Deleting staircase renovation items

DELETE /renovations/{renovation_id}/staircases/{staircase_id}/items/{item_id}

Response code

200 OK

Renovation reports

Retrieving the renovation report (PDF)

GET /renovations/{renovation_id}/report

Request body


Response body

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "url": "string",
  "mimetype": "string"

Response code

200 OK